Nätverket för kvinnor inom räddningstjänsten
Nätverket Kvinnor inom Räddningstjänsten
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The Swedish Network for Women in Fire and Rescue Services was started in 2011 to create a forum for spreading information about and for women in fire and rescues services (FRS) with the aim of improving conditions for women working in the industry.

The purpose of the association is to monitor and influence how women are treated in FRS and to play an active role in the development of the industry.
The Swedish Network for Women in Fire and Rescue Services is a non-profit organization that engages in issues that affect the operations in FRS. The organization is founded on the principle that every member has the opportunity to express their opinions and to influence the work of the network. We work to create opportunities to develop a good future for women in FRS with equal conditions regardless of gender.

The network currently consists of approximately 100 members. While most of our members work in FRS as operational firefighters or administrative staff, we also have members who are chimney sweeps and supporting member from other countries. Membership in the network is also open to students in FRS. The association is led by an elected executive committee that works on a volunteer basis.

Our network meets once a year. You are very welcome to contact us styrlesen@kirtj.se if you are interested in participating in the network meeting.
Our next meeting is in Stockholm with Stockholm Fire department and our network.

For more information about Stockholm Fire department look here